Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this wesbite and the ongoing talks;

How to Contribute to this site

  • Firstly visit our GitHub repository so you can see the current issues: 🙃
  • Pull from Github (using SSH), - you may use other options like Github Desktop etc.
  • Once you have the Code Craft website on your local computer protected by git, you can make a new branch for your changes: git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch] you can read some more about that at Atlassian.
  • Don’t be afraid to hack your branch as much as you want to, it’s your branch after all.
  • As we are running Jekyll, you’ll need to follow their tutorial on setting it up on your machine. I do suggest going through the entire tutorial but if you seemingly know your way around these things but you do not know Jekyll, there is the Quickstart option.
  • When all that is done, you’ll be able to run this project with jekyll serve By default (at least for me), it’s started on port 4000 - but once you enter the serve command, it’ll tell you the link to the site.
  • Once you’re ready to make your changes live, you’ll need to push your branch (See the above link to Atlassian for any other enquiries).
  • You will need to create a PR (pull request) for your pushed branch which you can find information about on Github itself
  • We will review it as soon as we can and either confirm it immediately or have some sort of discussion around it first.

If you think the guide here needs anything else, please let us know on DevelopNZ Slack (#dunedin channel). Hope to see you around!